aqfer IO
High Performance: Reach customers where it matters most
Global Web Scale
Data Services
Drive Value from your data in Real Time
aqfer IO provides your business with a decision engine comparable to those leveraged by the ad tech providers you invest in.
aqfer IO is an API for setting and accessing user identities in under 10 ms. This means decisions about how to message users, what creative to deliver them, or what user experience to share with them, can be made by your marketing analytics practice directly without relying on logic applied by a third party.
aqfer IO can be used to form the basis of a Dynamic Creative Optimization capability controlled direct by brand or agency. It can also be integrated with Content Management Systems to realize user experiences most directly attuned to a site visitor’s position in a consideration funnel or enrollment program.
In any configuration aqfer IO can help make direct 1:1 interaction with your audience a reality.
The aqfer Difference: Say Something Interesting.
You can’t maintain a dialog with clients and prospects if you don’t have something interesting to say.
aqfer IO makes it possible to find out what you already know about prospects or visitors fast enough to use that information to provide them with the most relevant content or messaging possible.
Designed for global web-scale deployment and throughput:
- Supports hundreds of thousands of transactions per second.
- Open source architecture
- Handlers: Deploy your own code in our API Gateway to manipulate the data being inserted or returned.
- Deliver decisions not data.
- Deliver your own customized white label API’s
- Multiple Configurations: Invoke Server to Server, UserAgent to Server, or UserAgent to Origin Server via CDN.
- RESTful API: Robust API that supports GET, PUT and POST requests.
Multiple Storage Options:
- IMDS (In-Memory DataStore): moderate volumes of data, very low cost per access, data is short-lived or easily restored from an external source.
- DBDS (Disk-Backed DataStore): economical support for billions of documents with high availability, resiliency, and recoverability.
- GraphDS: API access to the aqfer Graph identity graph management product.
aqfer Graph helps unleash the full potential of your data and reach customers when it matters the most.
Key Components
Real-time Data API
Gain real-time access to entity (user, household, device) and entity relationship (identity graph) data
Global Web Scale
Ensure massive throughput: Support hundreds of thousands of transactions per second
Data Services
Reach all data stored in IMDS (In-Memory DataStore), DBDS (Disk-Backed DataStore) and aqferGraphDS instantly
REST with the Best
Easily access data using aqfer’s RESTful APIs
Empower your business with the enterprise-level data-centric marketing architecture
aqfer SaaS Products
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